Nouveaux robots en objets et matériaux recyclés

L'ours polaire en voie de disparition et nouveaux robots en objets et matériaux recyclés

2024, 140 cm x 220 cm

In 2024, ORLAN created a series of works to question the phenomenon of endangered animals. The artist stages: jaguar, white tiger, polar bear, blue peacock, African forest elephant, sunda tiger, golden eagle, pink flamingo, cobra, lynx, seahorse, kangaroo, giant panda, water dragon, orangutan, penguin, dolphin, koala, cheetah... with robots. These animals are placed in their natural settings. Through this series, ORLAN proposes an ecosensitive reflection and an awareness of the Anthropocene.

These recycled-object robots, with ORLAN's face, can be seen in two ways: as destroyers and symbols of a dreaded future, or as protectors, standing by the animal, accompanying the last survivors of their species towards a rethought future. Robots and new technologies question the link between the animal and human kingdoms. As much as these species left to their inexorable demise, the robots thus constructed are rebuses of modernity, made up of obsolete, abandoned and depreciated objects that ORLAN recycles to revalue and create with humor.

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